Dumonde Tech Pro X Freehub Oil

By Dumonde
$26.50 CAD


PRO X Freehub Oil using our MRCC Micro Resistant Complex Compounds is an improved new technology, of our original freehub oil. PRO X Freehub Oil performs better in an even wider temperature range. “Flow Point” is lower then -40F / -40C degrees, is extremely low friction, providing superior protection. No sticking pawls due to age or temperatures.

Follow the manufacture’s specification for the volume of oil required in your freehub body to experience the ultimate performance of your freehhub using Dumonde Tech’s PRO X Freehub Oil.

Product Variants SKU/UPC
  • Dumonde Tech Pro X Freehub Oil: 2oz / : SKU: 401-3002 - UPC: 736211001290
  • Dumonde Tech Pro X Freehub Oil: 8oz / : SKU: 401-3008 - UPC: 742271536863