SRAM Code/Guide RE Brake Pads

$43.00 CAD

Backing Material
  • SRAM Code R, Code RSC
  • Sram Guide RE
  • 2011-Present Avid Code
  • QTY "1" is enough pads for one wheel. Order "2" to replace the pads on one complete bicycle
  • Steel back is most economical, aluminum back is more expensive but saves weight
  • Choose metallic compound for maximum braking power (bigger, more aggressive riders) and organic for general, all-around use, most quiet operation.
Product Variants SKU/UPC
  • SRAM Code/Guide RE Brake Pads: Metallic / Steel: SKU: 210273-01 - UPC: 710845642012
  • SRAM Code/Guide RE Brake Pads: Organic / Steel: SKU: 210273-03 - UPC: 710845642036